Related performance
- Artist: Sean Fleming
- Date: 08/08/14
- Time: 7:00pm
- Venue: Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ
- City: Waldoboro , ME
- Address: 941 Main St.
- Venue phone: 207-832-6898
- Country: United States
- Admission: free
- Age restrictions: All Ages
- More information
- Notes: Sean Fleming will present an organ recital at the Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ in Waldoboro on August 8th at 7:00 pm. Featured on the 1875 Hook and Hastings organ will be Darke’s “A Meditation on Brother James’ Air”, the Offertoire in E Flat Major, CFF 36B by Franck, the Organ Sonata No.1 in D minor, Op.42 by Guilmant, the Canzona from the “Folkloric Suite” by Langlais, and the “Concert Variations on Austria”, Op.3, composed by Maine-born composer John Knowles Paine. There will be no charge for the concert. Donations will be accepted. For more information contact the Broad Bay Church 207-832-6898 or The church is located at 941 Main St., Waldoboro (near the Post Office).